Adults Group The group begins with a series of kicks, blocks and hand weapons (warm-up) then it’s divided into belt groups: Beginners (White - Orange), Intermediate (Purple - Blue), and Advance (Green and up). They will begin with learning the fundamentals of Northern Shou Shu, mastering these fundamentals, while learning a blend of different techniques that refer to one of the seven animals that make up the hierarchy of Northern Shou Shu (white to brown belts), then moving on to focusing on the techniques symbolized by each specific animal (Bear, Tiger, Mongoose, and Crane) before, finally, reaching the final rank of Shigong (Master) 5th - Mantis, 6th - Cobra then Da Shigong (Top Master) 7th - Dragon the highest Degree Black Belt). 8th Degree is only for Da Shifu (Grand Master), there can only be one Da Shifu in our system at a time.